Gallstones Diet
Such factors that increase the risk of developing gallstones, such as age, sex and ethnic origin cannot be altered. However, it is possible that having a vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of developing gallstones. Vegetarians have a significantly lower risk of developing gallstones, compared to people who eat meat. Many experts say that a diet low in fat and high in fruit and vegetables, including plenty of dietary fiber may help protect people from developing gallstones. Controlling your bodyweight - not allowing yourself to become overweight/obese - may also help prevent the formation of gallstones. However, crash dieting and rapid weight loss are risk factors in the development of gallstones. An animal study indicated that exercise can reduce the risk of developing gallstones.
A minor but potentially significant step is to be sure to drink six to eight glasses of water each day. This fluid is necessary to maintain the water content of the bile and help prevent the formation of stones. nterestingly, it has been found that women who skip breakfast or have only coffee have a much greater incidence of gallstones. There is also evidence that taking aspirin can prevent the formation of gallstones. In one study, all regular users of NSAIDs avoided a recurrence of gallstones compared with 32 percent who did not use aspirin regularly.
Fat-free and low-fat diets can be a cause for gallbladder problems as well as too much of the wrong fats. The body needs fats. Use omega 3 oils like flax or hemp. These are both delicious on salads. Cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil is also recommended. Use with vinegar or fresh lemon juice.
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There are higher rates in western European, Hispanic and Native American populations and lower rates in eastern European, African American and Asian populations. This is mostly because of differences in diet. There are things you can do to ensure you do not aggravate an existing condition, and alleviate pain. You may notice, for instance that you have more pain after ingesting a pepperoni pizza. Stay away from fatty meats and sausages, cheese, meatballs, etc. Eat leaner cuts of meat and fish. You will notice much less pain if you ingest LOTS of greens, preferably raw, with each meal. Spinach, cabbage, romaine, and on and on. Start the day with 1/2 lemon juiced and added to water. This will stimulate bile production and bowel movement.

Gallbladder disease, including gallstones and an inflamed gallbladder, is closely connected with a Western diet: high in refined carbohydrates and animal protein and low in fiber. The first step--in avoiding gallstones, and preventing an attack if you already have them, is to eliminate aggravating (fatty) foods. In order to digest them, your gallbladder will go into overdrive and might force a stone into the duct, causing a gallbladder attack.